Creative problem-solving 2002-10-14

A duck walks into a bar. He walks up to the counter and asks the bartender, "You got any grapes?"

The bartender looks at the duck and says, "No, sorry. We don't got any grapes."

"Okay." The duck turns around and walks out. The next night, the duck comes back to the bar. "You got any grapes?"

The bartender looks at the duck and says, "No. We don't have any grapes."

"Alright." The duck turns around and walks out. The next night, the duck goes into the bar and asks the bartender, "You got any grapes?"

"No!" the bartender yells. "We don't have any grapes and if you come back in here again, I'm going to shoot you!"

"Okay." The duck turns around and leaves.

The next night, the duck enters the bar and asks the bartender, "You got any guns?"

"No," the bartender says.

"Oh." The ducks smiles. "Then can I have some grapes?"

Looking Back / Glancing Ahead

Shit You Might Want to Know

Name: Michael Drace Fountain
Age: 25
Occupation: Theatre Technician
D.O.B.: 9-16-78
Likes: Rain, Coffee
Dislikes: Close-minded, whiny lemmings
100 Questions
75 Facts

Getting Around

Who the Hell am I?
Who the Hell are You?
Touch Me
Leave me a love letter

Who is Hosting This Shit?


These are my thoughts and opinions, not yours. I'm not asking for yours. I don't care about them. If this or anything else I say offends you, go the hell away, and lighten the fuck up.

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