Who Needs War? 2002-10-08

Alright, normally I tend to stay out of the political arena, but with all this talk of war with Iraq, I got a few things to say.

First off, Bush's reasons for pushing the issue is that "Saddam MAY be planning to attack the United States with biological and chemical weapons and COULD have a nuclear weapon in less than a year." (emphasis added) Um, could we perhaps be a little more certain about this? You know, before we start killing people.

Okay, granted Saddam may be this awful dictator who deserves to die, and that Bush's main concern is the American people. I got no problem with that. But circumstancial paranoia aside, What happens if we win?

Okay, so we overthrow a dictator. Yay, what next. Do we install a puppet government? Spend the next 15 years policing the country until they like America? History has shown very clearly that neither option has been met with much success. Do we make Iraq a colony, making it the first step in establishing an American empire, like our British forefathers before us?

Do we divide up the Iraqi territory to its neighbors?

That's a lot of problems, and that's if we win.

Another issue I have is the complete rediculousness of the Democrat and Republican politicians right now. Each are accusing the other of using Iraq as a means of gaining control of the House/Senate/American people. They are all so concerned with staying in power that they've forgotten that it's the American people who put them there. Not that we care. We're so apathetic and blind that we let them dictate our lives to us. And then we thank them for it by giving them standing ovations whenever they speak.

We're no longer a democracy. I hate to say so, but more and more I begin to see it as such. We have become, are becoming, a capitalicy. A society where those in power are those who can afford to be there, not those who can do the most good. A society where money buys position, instead of the position being filled by the best person for the job.

We're timid. We're scared. We're fucking sheep.

And I'm disgusted with all of it.

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Name: Michael Drace Fountain
Age: 25
Occupation: Theatre Technician
D.O.B.: 9-16-78
Likes: Rain, Coffee
Dislikes: Close-minded, whiny lemmings
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