This week, on Job Hunter... 08/29/2004

Well, I know I was going to post what happened on the second day of my weekend... but since that was two weekends ago, a lot of the details have blurred themselves out by now. But trust me when I say that it was pretty fucking bizarre.

So, jobhunting. That's been by reality for the past two weeks. When I'm not clearing out the theater and getting ready for it to sit idle for a few months, I'm jobhunting.
Unfortunately, I'm picky. Horribly picky.

And pretty much fully underqualified to anything besides theatre.
It's all I know, it's all I've really done professionally.

So I'm looking for theatre gigs. Found a couple that will (hopefully) keep me afloat for the next couple weeks...

And I found a great job running sound for South Coast Reperatory. Or rather the job found me. My very good friend Banky phoned me about the job, b'cause he heard about from a mutual friend of ours, but he wasn't going to take it, so why not pass it on...

I get pretty stoked about the job, and I call him back later for more info... only to find out he's changed his mind and going to apply as well.

I'm not a hugely competitive person, especially against friends I love. Especially when it's a perfect opportunity for them to come back in town from Pheonix, which is too fucking far away.

So now I'm feeling like a shit, especially since I wouldn't be applying at all if it weren't for him. But I did still apply.

Then again, I might not even get the job, especially since he's more qualified, which makes me feel better already.

Looking Back / Glancing Ahead

Shit You Might Want to Know

Name: Michael Drace Fountain
Age: 25
Occupation: Theatre Technician
D.O.B.: 9-16-78
Likes: Rain, Coffee
Dislikes: Close-minded, whiny lemmings
100 Questions
75 Facts

Getting Around

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These are my thoughts and opinions, not yours. I'm not asking for yours. I don't care about them. If this or anything else I say offends you, go the hell away, and lighten the fuck up.

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