The Great American Blackout 03/13/2004

Got to love President Bush. A report by the Pentagon was leaked to the press after sitting in the Bush Administrations coffers for some time, showing just how bad things have gotten in the areas of environmental health. Severe climate change is now not just a possibility, but an unavoidable train wreck bearing down on us all, with the resolved stench of inevitability. At best, provided we all chip in out best efforts, we can slow the process down, but it has become very apparent to the scientific community, and now the Department of Defense, that global warming is no longer a questionable issue.

The effects of global warming will become increasingly apparent in the next six years, and by the year 2020, the report says, Britain will experience �Siberian� type weather, with extreme shortages in water and energy supplies in countries that need it most.

Anyone with half a brain can see that we are not just abusing our energy sources, we�re raping them. The consuming habits of America in particular are revolting.

But who cares, as long as we are comfortable, right? Unfortunately, we�ve gone beyond just comfortability, now we are just lazy and arrogant.

Is it comfort or laziness to leave a light on when you leave the room? Is it comfort or arrogance to own the largest, energy inefficient SUV�s on the market?

Well, things aren�t going to be so comfortable in the near future. This is why I�m proposing The Great American Blackout.

On Saturday, April 3rd, I propose that we turn ourselves off. Turn off all our lights, turn off our televisions, our computers, our stoves, our air-conditioners, our cars. Just to see if we can actually do it. Pretend a huge EMP Bomb went off in your neighborhood.

I�m allowing that we keep things reasonable, of course. I�m not suggesting we unplug our refrigerators and let food spoil for a day, that�s just silly. But I think it�s possible to cook food for an entire day without using electricity. Throw a barbecue, go out to eat, make a sandwich.

I also know how unrealistic it is to expect you to not use your car for a day. But I think it�s entire possible to walk, or carpool, or to get all your driving trips done at once, allowing for a minimum of car use.

Additionally, I realize that people have jobs, or other projects, that require the use of computers and other such consumers of electricity. Don�t do anything that would get you fired. Duh. But challenge yourself to see how much you can do with as little as possible.

One hundred years ago, people were perfectly happy and comfortable without most of the benefits we enjoy from electricity and internal combustion engines. It�s silly to think that in so short an amount of time, we�ve become addicted and dependent on it.

So, on April 3rd, buy some candles, charge your cell phones in advance, and then turn yourself off. Challenge your friends to do the same.
It may not save the world, but it may help you to appreciate it more. And it may also help slow the impending catastrophe which is speeding towards us.

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Age: 25
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