cats and balloons have learned to know better... 2003-09-25

So last night I'm driving home; it's around 11 at night. I come to an intersection and my light is red.
So I wait.
It turns green, and as I'm driving through the intersection, I notice a cat about to cross the road. It was crossing in the same direction that I am going, so don't worry that this is going to turn into a "ran over the cat" story.
What really struck me about this situation, was that the cat was crossing the road at the crosswalk. Not only was it using the crosswalk, but it waited for the light to turn green, and before it stepped into the road, it looked both ways before crossing.

It was way cute, but it also struck me as rather odd. Maybe it was just that this cat was acting more responsible than humans.

But that's not the only odd occurrance I've seen at a crosswalk.
A few months ago, I'm driving along, and I'm about to cross the intersection, and I see a balloon... a helium filled balloon, but one that has lost a lot of its pressure, so that it doesn't soar away, but kind of stays at one height. This height was about six feet in the air.
Anyway, I see this balloon crossing the road using the crosswalk as well. It literally looked like some invisible kid was crossing the street and holding a balloon. It looked so bizarre, yet strangely realistic at the same time. I actually slammed on the brakes so I could let this balloon cross the street.

Anyway, it just strikes me as wierd to see certain laws of nature obeying the laws of man.

Looking Back / Glancing Ahead

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Name: Michael Drace Fountain
Age: 25
Occupation: Theatre Technician
D.O.B.: 9-16-78
Likes: Rain, Coffee
Dislikes: Close-minded, whiny lemmings
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