Same bat time, same bat channel 11/03/2004

Well now... this is the longest I've gone without updating in a while... Sorry. Lately I've been spreading the updates pretty thin it seems. I'd love to be able to tell you I'm not ignoring you, but it's just not the case.
I've been doing an awful lot of writing, lately, so my "every-3rd-day" vent has been largely unnecessary.
But don't worry, after the election results, there'll be plenty of ranting to come and read.
Stay tuned...

Looking Back / Glancing Ahead

Shit You Might Want to Know

Name: Michael Drace Fountain
Age: 25
Occupation: Theatre Technician
D.O.B.: 9-16-78
Likes: Rain, Coffee
Dislikes: Close-minded, whiny lemmings
100 Questions
75 Facts

Getting Around

Who the Hell am I?
Who the Hell are You?
Touch Me
Leave me a love letter

Who is Hosting This Shit?


These are my thoughts and opinions, not yours. I'm not asking for yours. I don't care about them. If this or anything else I say offends you, go the hell away, and lighten the fuck up.

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