Fixin' America 2003-08-03

Okay, I think I've figured it out. The best way to invigorate the economy. Improve technology. Fix some of the problems in our country...

Think about a company. Any multi-billion dollar company. Think of the people in charge. The CEO, the board, whatever. Think of the millions, or in some cases billion, that they pull in, per year. Think of the benefits package they get, without having to subtract the costs for those benefits from their paycheck.

There are CEO's who are pulling in some $100 million every year.
Now tell me. How much would he really miss $1 million of that 100 mil, if it went back into the company to say, improve wages? Or technology? Or lower the price of their product?

How much can a million dollars do? Well, it could raise the monthly paychecks of 1000 employees by 83 dollars. That's very nearly a 1 dollar/hour raise.
Doesn't sound like much, but for someone like me, it would be fucking amazing. It would be for a lot of people.
They could eat out more often, or get a new appliance or two, provide better for their kids.

George Bush's Tax Cut for the rich is pure trickle-down theory of economics. The rich have more money to spend, so they spend more. This creates more demand, which creates jobs to fill that demand, and so on...
But this is all depending on the rich actually spending the money they are saving from taxes. Fat fucking chance. They're rich, they already have the money to afford whatever to buy. If they aren't already stimulating the economy, than the money they get back from the tax cut aint gonna help.

However, you make Bill Gates take ten million dollars, hardly a dent in his multi billion dollar income, and invest it back into the wages of his company... You get the highest paid CEOs of America doing that... just fucking watch what happens to the economy.

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Name: Michael Drace Fountain
Age: 25
Occupation: Theatre Technician
D.O.B.: 9-16-78
Likes: Rain, Coffee
Dislikes: Close-minded, whiny lemmings
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