Another Interesting Evening. 2002-06-28

So I go to the Viper Room Wednesday night to see a band called Wonderlove. Hmm, maybe I'm getting ahead of myself. Maybe a little.

Wednesday is my roommate's birthday, 22. He had been planning on going out that evening, but he wasn't sure where he wanted to go. When I get off work, I come home and he asks if I'm gonna hang with him and his crew for his birthday. I apologize and tell him that unfortunatly, I'm going to LA to see a show.

"Where?" he asks. "The Viper Room," is my reply.

For those who don't know, The Viper Room is a club/bar in LA owned by Johnny Depp. And if you don't know who Johnny Depp is, shame on you. Anyway, this club can get pretty exclusive, but it helps when you're good friends with the band playing that night. I'd only been there once before, but I guess that on one occasion when Wonderlove was playing there, both Tobey Maguire AND Beck were in the audience, and they both totally dug Wonderlove.

Anyway (back to the story), I ask Ryan if he and the rest of the group wanted to go. He said sure, so I gave him the password for the doorman and took off.

So I'm at the Viper Room, and Wonderlove is about to go on, and I notice this short white guy buzzing around the room like he's been tweaking all day. (Tweaking=speed, for the less than adept at drug speak) I thought he was pretty funny to watch, especially when he saw a cute girl and wanted to get her attention, but for the most part ignored him and concentrated on talking with the lead guitarist.

Well, when Brian Macintyre (the guitarist, though we all call him Floon, or MacinFloon) went backstage to tune up and get ready, tweaker boy runs up to me and some guy standing next to me who I didn't know. Tweaker puts his hands on either of our shoulders, pokes his face between us and asks if we've seen his cameraman.

It than occurs to me that tweaker boy was actually Stephen Dorff. He didn't even stop to wait for our answer, which would definitely been something like, "No." before he was off again, buzzing through the crowd like he was gonna die tomorrow.

Wonderlove started the show, effectively pulling me out of my shock, and it was highly enjoyable.

Well, right as Wonderlove finishes their last song, I see Ryan walk into the club.

No shit, he only heard the last two drum beats and the lead singer saying, "thank you very much."

Poor bastard. He pays a cover to see a band I recommend to him, and he shows up right as the house lights come on. So I went out with him and the others and got him rip-roaring drunk.

Oh yeah, and he just about shit a brick when I told him about Stephen Dorff.

Looking Back / Glancing Ahead

Shit You Might Want to Know

Name: Michael Drace Fountain
Age: 25
Occupation: Theatre Technician
D.O.B.: 9-16-78
Likes: Rain, Coffee
Dislikes: Close-minded, whiny lemmings
100 Questions
75 Facts

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